In Types

Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Care: Simple Tricks for Beautiful Plants

Sun ExposureFull Sun
Water NeedsModerate
Mature Size8″ x 6″
Temperature Tolerance50°F
Propagation StyleOffsets
ToxicityMildly toxic
Dormant PeriodWinter

The beautiful Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ is a great option for a succulent to add to your collection. This little plant is a specific variety of Gasteria that has a unique, bumpy pattern on its fleshy leaves. Like most succulents, it is simple to care for which makes it even more perfect.

Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Basics

Sun exposure– Bright light, but avoid direct sunlight or the plant may get sunburned

Water needs– Give plenty of water in the summer, and allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. Reduce waterings to every other month in the winter. Do not allow water to collect on the leaves.

Mature size– 8” tall and 6” wide

Temperature tolerance– Warmer summer temperatures. Cooler winter temperatures, to 50 degrees F (10 degrees C).

Propagation style– Gasteria produce offsets that can be replanted

Toxicity– Mildly toxic

Dormant season– Winter

Introduction to Gasteria ‘Little Warty’

Scientific Classification

  • Gasteria ‘Little Warty’
  • Gasteria batesiana ‘Little Warty’
  • Gasteria maculate ‘Little Warty’


Gasteria are native to South Africa. The ‘Little Warty’ variety is a hybrid that originated with Australian hybridizer David Cumming. It’s a cross between Gasteria batesiana and Gasteria “Old Man Silver”.


Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ is a small succulent known for its clumps of thick, bumpy leaves and rosette shape. These leaves are thick and waxy, marked by pointed tips. 

Color variations include bright green leaves with olive-green stripes and silvery-green raised areas. The entire plant will grow to around eight inches (20 cm) tall, and six inches (15 cm) wide.

Basics of Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Plant Care

How much Sunlight does a Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Need

Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ prefer bright but indirect sunlight. If the leaves begin to turn white or yellow, it’s a good sign the plant is receiving too much direct light.

Watering Your Gasteria ‘Little Warty’

Gasteria should receive plenty of water in the summer months, with a scaled-back watering schedule in the winter. The best way to water these plants is the “soak-and-dry” method. This means soaking the soil thoroughly each time you water it, then allowing the soil to dry completely before you water your plant again.

Should You Fertilize Your Gasteria


Fertilize your Gasteria once every spring. Use a good succulent or cactus fertilizer. While most fertilizer should be diluted in water before you pour it into your succulent’s pot, you should always check the package’s directions for best practices.

Make sure that you do not apply too much fertilizer. It is always easier to apply more later and succulents, including Gasteria, will tolerate a lack of fertilizer more than too much.

What Soil Should You Plant Your Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ in

Plant your Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ in a gritty, fast-drying soil. You’ll find bags of suitable potting soil made especially for succulents at your local nursery or home improvement store. It is possible to mix your own succulent soil following a few easy steps. Choose a pot with plenty of drainage holes for water to escape.

Is the Gasteria a Toxic Plant

Gasteria in general is not a toxic plant. If eaten in quantity, it can cause some intestinal discomfort and irritation. For the most part, you can safely keep these beauties with children or pets roaming the house!

How do You take Care of a Little Warty Plant Indoors

Gasterias, Little Warty included, will tolerate the lower light conditions found in most homes. Keep your Little Warty in a bright window that receives plenty of sunlight. It will also respond well to grow lamps during darker months.

Can you Grow Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Outdoors

You can grow your Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ outdoors depending on where you live. While these succulents are a variety that does well in cooler temperatures, this does not make them cold hardy. If your temperatures regularly dip below freezing, you should consider growing them indoors. They are hardy in USDA Zone 10a.

How Big does Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Get

Your Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ will grow about eight inches tall, and about six inches wide.

Of course, the plant will stay of a similar size to the pot that it is planted in. The smaller the pot, the smaller the plant will typically stay.

How do You Treat a Small Warty Gasteria

Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ require care much like Haworthias or Aloes. Ensure the area you keep your Little Warty in has plenty of airflow to minimize the risk of a fungal infection.

Repot your Little Warty when it has outgrown its container. A flat, wide pot will allow it to spread out, send out offshoots, and eventually fill the pot with its unique foliage!

Does Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ Bloom/Flower

Yes! Happy Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ will send out tall, narrow stalks with coral, trumpet-shaped flowers. They’re more likely to bloom if they have enough light.

How Should You Propagate this Succulent

  • Mother plant will produce offsets
  • Gently pull offset away from mother plant
  • Allow offset to dry for a day in a dark place
  • Replant offset in fresh succulent soil
propagate succulents

What Pests or Problems are an Issue for Gasteria

While Gasteria have natural protections against fungal infections, they are still highly susceptible to them. Ensure they have plenty of air flow around them for moisture to evaporate. Do not allow water to stand on the leaves, and make sure the soil dries completely before you water them again.


Gasteria plants are sometimes planted with Haworthias, since they both enjoy the same requirements. They both remain small, and tolerate more shade than other succulents. Both of these succulents are also susceptible to fungal infections.

Gasteria ‘Little Warty’ are adorable succulents with a unique look. With their vibrant, textured foliage and easy care, they make wonderful houseplants!

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