In Types

Crassula Platyphylla (Crassula Burgundy) Care and Propagation Guide

Crassula Platyphylla
Sun ExposureFull sun
Water NeedsMinimal
Mature Size6″ Tall
Temperature Tolerance30°F
Propagation StyleOffsets, Cuttings, Seeds
Dormant PeriodWinter

Basic Information about Crassula Platyphylla

Common Name: Burgundy Jade, Crassula Burgundy

Origins: This succulent is native to South Africa.

Description: Crassula Platyphylla “Burgundy” is a neat, shrub-like succulent. It grows elliptical, green leaves that end in pointed tips. Under mild stress, such as bright sunlight, these leaves will turn a bright burgundy at the tips. These colors can also brighten in the winter, as the temperature extremes put strain on the plant. It will grow to around 6” (15 cm) tall.

Sun exposure: Grows well in either sun or partial shade. However, for the brightest colors and healthiest plants, you will want to plant them in full sun.

Water needs: Crassula “Burgundy” requires very little water. It is sensitive to overwatering and fungal infections.

Mature size: This plant will grow up to 6” (15 cm) tall.

Temperature tolerance: Hardy in USDA zones 9b to 11b. It will survive brief periods beneath 32°F, but will not survive hard freezes. If the forecast calls for sub-freezing temperatures, bring the plant inside or cover to minimize frost damage.

Propagation style: Offsets, stem cutting, seeds, or leaf cutting propagation.

Toxicity: This succulent is considered toxic to cats, dogs, and children.

Dormant season: Crassula platyphylla “Burgundy” may go dormant during fall and winter.

Crassula Care

How do You Care for a Crassula Platyphylla

Care of a Crassula Platyphylla is very similar to other succulents. Keep watering to a minimum to prevent rotting and fungal diseases. Provide plenty of heat and sunlight for optimal growth. And choose a well-drained fertilizer to allow extra water to run off easily and quickly.

How Much Sun does Crassula Platyphylla Need

Keep your Burgundy Jade in partial to full sun. More sunlight will mean more color at the tips of the leaves, but watch for signs of sun damage. 

You can adjust its position until you find the right mix of light and shade for your particular plant. Crassula Platyphylla would ideally like around six hours of sunlight a day.

Plant in full sunlight for the best and brightest colors

What are the Water Needs of Crassula Platyphylla

This plant should be watered sparingly. It is important to allow the soil to dry out between waterings, as Crassula Platyphylla will develop fungal infections and mold easily. Excess water collected in saucers beneath the plant should be removed!

Should you Fertilize Crassula Platyphylla

You don’t need to fertilize your Burgundy Jade. However, if you choose to, you can use a diluted commercial cactus and succulent fertilizer once in the spring to encourage growth. Always check the packaging for best practices. Never pot your Crassula in pre-fertilized soil.

What is the Best Soil for Crassula Platyphylla

well drained soil

Plant your Crassula platyphylla in a good commercial potting soil designed for cactus and succulents. Any soil you use should be gritty and have excellent drainage. It should also dry quickly after you have watered it to reduce the chances of fungus, mold, and root rot.

You should try to repot your plant in the spring, which is the beginning of the Crassula growth period. Use dry soil when repotting. Remove the Crassula from the pot and gently knock some of the old soil away from the roots. 

Place it into the new pot with new potting soil. Allow the soil to stay dry for a week before watering. Always use a pot with adequate drainage!

What Size Does a Crassula Platyphylla Grow to

Your Burgundy Jade will grow to around 6” in height (15 cm). It will spread out and make a lovely, tidy plant! 

What is a Crassula Platyphylla Minima

A Crassula platyphylla “Minima” is a dwarf cultivar of the common Burgundy Jade. These grow smaller, and remain more compact than the usual variety of the plant. They’re an adorable addition to your collection!

What is a Crassula Platyphylla Colossal?

As you might guess, Crassula platyphylla “Colossal” is a larger cultivar of the Crassula Burgundy. These grow larger than the common variety of the plant.

Propagating Techniques for Crassula Platyphylla

Crassula propagation


Seeds are the slowest way to grow new Crassula. In the spring, place your seeds on the top layer of the soil. Do not cover them! They will germinate most readily in temperatures under 70°F. 

Keep them out of direct sunlight. You’ll usually see signs of germination in one to three weeks. Once your seedlings have at least three leaves, you can move them to individual pots.

Leaf Cuttings

Leaf cuttings are possibly the easiest means to propagate your Crassula. Select a fleshy, healthy leaf from your plant and gently twist it until it comes free of the stem. Place it on a dish of potting soil or even a paper towel that receives ambient sunlight.

Make sure to dry your cutting for 1-2 days to callous or it will rot

Allow the leaf to develop a callus for around a week. Once the callus has formed, you can place it on top of a fast-draining potting soil. Keep the soil slightly moist and watch the roots start to grow!


Propagating Crassula through offsets is simple. Brush the topsoil to the side until you can see the roots beneath. Very gently pull the offset away, taking care to do as little root damage as possible. 

Place your offset on dry soil or a paper towel for several days until they dry out (this helps prevent root rot). After this, place them on a fast-draining potting soil and treat them as you would the parent Crassula.

Stem Cuttings

Crassula cutting

This propagation method is the fastest means to achieve a larger Crassula plant from a cutting. You should attempt this at the start of the plant’s growth cycle in the spring, as this is the time when the plant will have the most energy stored. 

Utilizing a clean trimming blade, cut a stem from the parent plant. Choose a stem that is around 3” long and has at least two pairs of leaves.

Allow the cut stem to dry on soil or a paper towel for several days to form a callus. Place it into a pot of soil, callus end first. You can dip it into a rooting powder first, if you want. 

Keep the pot in a place with bright ambient light, and do not water it for a couple weeks so roots can form. Tug carefully on the plant to test for roots. 

Once you can feel that roots have taken hold, you can water the cutting. As with the parent Crassula, allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.

Is Crassula Platyphylla Poisonous to Cats or People

Unfortunately, Crassula platyphylla “Burgundy” is considered toxic to cats and dogs. It can cause loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you believe your pet has eaten the leaves of this plant, contact your veterinarian for advice.

Do not eat your Crassula platyphylla. Go buy a dragon fruit from your grocery store instead!

Vet check

What are the Most Common Pests and Problems with Crassula Platyphylla

Crassula platyphylla are very susceptible to fungal diseases and to mealybugs. They are also sensitive to overwatering.

Is Crassula Platyphylla a Jade Plant

Yes! Jade plants are all part of the Crassula family. While most people think of Crassula ovata as the classic jade plant, other members of the Crassula family are also considered jade plants.


Crassula platyphylla “Burgundy” is one of the most popular succulents for a reason. They are easy, beautiful plants that will brighten up any succulent collection. Even better, they’re easy to propagate, making them perfect for giving as gifts or keeping to brighten sunny windows!

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