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Complete Copper Spoons Plant (Kalanchoe Orgyalis) Care Guide

Copper Spoons Plant
Sun ExposureFull to Partial Sun
Water NeedsMinimal
Mature Size6′ Tall
Temperature Tolerance20°F
Propagation StyleCuttings, leaves, offsets
Dormant PeriodSummer

The copper spoons plant is a unique succulent that isn’t really that green. Because of its unique color and flatter texture, the copper spoons plant can add a great contrast to your succulent and cactus gardens. These plants can grow quite large if grown outdoors but grown indoors, they should stay manageable. Just keep them away from kids and pets because they can be toxic.

Basic Information about Copper Spoons Plants

Common Name- Kalanchoe orgyalis, Cinnamon Bear, Leather Plant, Shoe Leather Kalanchoe

Origins- Madagascar 

Description- Slow-growing succulent with oval-shaped leaves

Sun exposure– Full sun or partial shade

Water needs– Soak and dry method like other succulents 

Mature size– 6 feet tall 

Temperature tolerance– Not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit 

Propagation style– Cuttings, leaves, and offsets 

Toxicity– It can be toxic to animals and humans

Dormant season– Summer 

How do You Take Care of a Copper Spoons Plant

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The copper spoons plant is becoming quite popular among succulent enthusiasts, for good reasons. From the fleshy oval-shaped leaves to its cinnamon color, you’ve got to add this plant to your collection.

Knowing how to take care of the copper spoons is the secret to having healthy plants. So, how exactly should you take care of the copper spoons plant? 


Kalanchoe orgyalis, the “Copper Spoons” plant, like other succulents and requires minimal watering. The best method is the ‘soak and dry,’ where you wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again. Ideally, water every two weeks during warm months and about once a month during the cold season. 

Don’t water the leaves directly because they tend to lose their beautiful bronze color when watered. Instead, water directly into the soil using a squeeze bottle. A copper spoons plant is quite forgiving and can survive in conditions of neglect.

However, it’s better to underwater rather than overwater because if the plant sits in water, it will rot. To be sure, use a finger or stick to poke the soil. If the top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry, it’s time to water again. If you can’t tell, it’s better to wait a little longer before you water.

Light and Temperature

Kalanchoe orgyalis thrives in full sun or partial shade, making it perfect for outdoor gardens or indoor spaces. The plant will do well in areas that receive about 6 hours of sunlight daily. If you live in the northern hemisphere, place the plant near a south-facing window. A west-facing window will also work fine. 

Consider placing a shade over the plant if you have the plant outdoors during heat waves. Although the plant can grow in full sun, too much of it can sunburn the leaves. When copper spoons don’t receive enough light, the leaves’ color fades slowly into a greenish-yellowish one. The stems will also become weak. 

If placed in the shade, the leaves will turn yellow and weak

Copper spoons are intolerant to temperatures below 20° F. If you grow your copper spoons plant outdoors, plant the succulent in containers so that you move them indoors when temperatures are lower than optimal. If you don’t have enough sunlight indoors, you should consider investing in an artificial grow light.

Copper spoons grown in garden soil that cannot be moved should be covered in frost clothes to protect them from freezing. Old clothing, burlap sacks, and towels are all viable options. Just make sure that the frost clothes are as high as possible, up to the lowest leaves at least, if not taller.

Should You Fertilize a Copper Spoons Plant

You can fertilize a copper spoons plant if you want but it isn’t necessary. Use a slow-releasing succulent fertilizer diluted to half strength and don’t apply it during the dormant season.

If you use fertilizer during the dormant period, your copper spoons plant will have more nutrients than it needs leading to damage that shows first as brown spots on the leaf margins. Notably, you should use a fertilizer without too much nitrogen because it will yellow the leaves. 

The best time to fertilize your Kalanchoe orgyalis is about a month before repotting them. This will help to facilitate active growth even after changing pots. And fertilizing at this time is less likely to burn the plant with nutrients.

How Tall do Copper Spoons Grow

Copper spoons is a slow-growing succulent that will grow to about 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide if grown in optimal conditions and in enough space. In these same optimal conditions, the plant with blossom to produce yellow flowers all year. 

cactus fertilizer

How do You Repot a Kalanchoe Orgyalis

Your Kalanchoe orgyalis, like most kalanchoe species, will thank you for giving it a fresh start through repotting. It is recommended if you realize that your plant is pot-bound. Ideally, you should repot your Kalanchoe orgyalis every 2 years. 

Before repotting, you want to make sure that you water the plant thoroughly and allow it to dry. Then, gently pull it out, so the roots don’t get damaged. Inspect the roots so that you untangle the tangled ones and trim the dead ones. To pry the roots apart from the soil without damaging them, use a chopstick.

Place your plant in a slightly larger pot than it was and cover it with fresh soil formulated for succulents. The best soil should contain sand and perlite to enhance the infiltration of excess water. The pot should be made of clay which is a porous material, and have large drainage holes for proper drainage. 

Gently pack soil around the roots with your chopstick until the plant is secure and gently press down on the top of the soil above the roots. Water the soil and place your plant outdoors or indoors where it will receive enough light. 

Soil Mixture for Copper Spoons Plant

The best succulent soil is well-draining and loose. To increase soil drainage, mix sand, rock, loam, and peat moss. Adding perlite to the mix will also further increase the drainage properties. Adding some pebbles at the bottom of the pot is also recommended but not required. 

Propagating the Kalanchoe Orgyalis

You don’t have to buy many copper spoons plants to fill your garden with this beautiful succulent. Buy one and propagate it! Propagation can also be used to save a dying copper spoons plant by taking cuttings and leaves from healthy parts of the plant. There are several good ways to propagate the Kalanchoe orgyalis.

Propagation of Copper Spoons using Offsets 

As the succulent grows, some offsets will develop at the plant’s base. To use the offsets to propagate the plant, you should remove these offsets carefully so that you don’t damage them. The easiest time to do this is when you repot the plant. But you can use a chopstick to gently pry them out usually.

If the offset took a lot of work to remove, leave it in a dark place for a few days so that any damaged roots callous over. If the offset was fairly easy to remove, you can plant your offset in soil immediately. Just like with a mature plant, the soil should be well draining before planting the offsets. Mist the soil slightly before you plant the offset for best results.

After you plant the offsets, mist the soil daily until the roots are well established. This typically takes a week or two. Also, place the plant where it receives bright but filtered light daily.

Propagation of Copper Spoons using Leaves 

To propagate with leaves, cut a healthy-looking leaf from the main plant using a sharp and sterile pair of scissors or knife. It is okay to cut several leaves in case some die and fail to produce roots. Place the leaves on a surface for about 3-7 days, so the cut edges dry. 

Leaves, stems, and offsets all work for propagation

Place the leaf to the top of a well-drained soil mix for succulents. To encourage roots to grow sooner, mist the soil daily and make sure your plant receives enough light daily to facilitate faster growth. If you are new to propagating succulents, leave your succulent in the dark with no water until you see roots. This is a less risky method. In roughly three to four weeks, new roots should develop.

Propagation using Stems 

Cut a healthy stem about four to five inches long using a sharp knife or scissors. Make sure that the stem has a few leaves on it. Obviously, the longer the stem, the easier it is for the cutting to survive and thrive. Place the cutting on a dry surface and allow callous to form for up to a week.

Plant the cutting into a well-prepared soil mix so that it is deep enough to be stable. Do not put it so deep that the bottom leaves are covered. Mist the soil daily for a week or two and place it where it receives plenty of sunlight. After the initial week or two, go to the normal soak and dry watering method. Roots should develop in about a month. 

What Problems are Copper Spoons Plants Susceptible to


Copper Spoons plants are quite hardy, especially if grown indoors. However, if the plant is not well taken care of, it is not immune to diseases and pest attacks. As you grow your Kalanchoe orgyalis, watch out for curling leaves, powdery mildew, aphids, and mealy bugs

Curling Leaves

Curling leaves is a problem caused by underwatering. The leaves of your Copper Spoons plant will appear shriveled and if neglected, the whole plant will die. As soon as you notice the leaves of your plant curling, give it a good long drink. You should notice some difference in a few days. 

Powdery Mildew

Powderly mildew is a common problem among Copper Spoon’s plants that sit in water too long or who’s leaves get wet. Sick plants will show patches of dead cells on the leaves. The best way to protect your succulent from powdery mildew attack is watering it correctly and placing it where it receives good airflow. 

Pests and Bugs

Aphids are the main pests that attack Copper Spoons. These tiny bugs suck on the sap of the plant leading to stunted growth and deformity of the leaves. When you notice that your plant has an aphid attack, spray using insecticidal soap. 

Are Copper Spoon Plants (Kalanchoe Orgyalis) Toxic

Yes, Copper Spoon’s plants are toxic both to humans and animals. If ingested, the plant may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Upon touch, the plant may also lead to skin irritation. If you have young children and pets, placing the plant far from their reach is advisable. As you handle the plant, wear some gloves to prevent skin irritation. 


Copper Spoons is a beautiful succulent that will fill your garden with its bronze color. Whether you grow it indoors or outdoors, it is pretty easy to care for. Like most succulents, yo just need to prevent overwatering it and make sure that it has plenty of sunlight on a regular basis. Because of how easy it is to care for and the unique contrast of the rust colored leaves, this beautiful plant is becoming incredibly popular.

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