This list includes 7 common succulents poisonous to cats, dogs, or kids. These plants are all commonly found in the home. At the very least, you need to know that these plants should be kept out of reach. But this list will also help you to identify plants to a doctor should the need arise for treatment.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera can cause severe gastrointestinal (GI) distress in cats. The symptoms in your cat will be similar to the symptoms you would experience if you had GI issues. First, your cat will be lethargic and curled up. Then, you will notice vomiting and diarrhea as the situation progresses.

The Kalanchoe genus includes several species of succulents poisonous to cats and kids. They look nothing alike and cause a variety of symptoms among cats who eat them. Kalanchoe, similar to aloe vera, will cause GI distress if your cat eats parts of it. You will see them vomit or have diarrhea indicating there is a problem.
However, kalanchoe is a succulent poisonous to cats in another way. Eating it can cause cats to experience heart arrhythmias. This means that their hearts will skip beats. This can cause them pain and could eventually lead to their heart stopping. If you think your cat ate kalanchoe, you should call your vet immediately.

Plants from the euphorbia genus are highly varied so it’s difficult to tell which ones belong. However, there are several succulents poisonous to cats in this genus. The most infamous poisonous plant from this genus is probably the poinsettia. Not only do poinsettias invade homes in December but they seem to be particularly tasty to cats.
If your cat eats a member of the euphorbia genus, they will vomit, have red eyes, drool, and occasionally have diarrhea. In small doses, your cat will be uncomfortable. However, in large doses, the poisoning symptoms could be life threatening and you should contact your vet.

Jade, like most members of this list, will cause GI distress in cats that eat it. Similarly, your cat will vomit, be lethargic, and may have diarrhea. Something that sets jade poisoning apart from others on this list is the incoordination your cat may experience.
If you cat has GI issues, seems to be stumbling around, and you have a succulent that has teeth marks on it, there’s a good guess your cat ate part of a jade plant.

Snake Plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue)
The snake plant is one that all beginner gardeners have good luck with. They are almost impossible to kill! However, as an incredibly common succulent poisonous to cats, they should be a serious concern.
Snake plants cause GI issues ranging from vomiting to diarrhea. Your cat would have to eat a large amount to be in serious danger but, when in doubt, call your vet.

String of Pearls
The string of pearls plant is incredibly popular because it is so different from any other succulent. It actually does look like a string of pearls. However, these pearls can cause vomiting, drooling, and lethargy in any cats that eat them.
In particularly sensitive people and cats, the string of pearls plant can also cause a rash or dermatitis in those that touch it.

Cactus are not poisonous to cats if they are eaten, however their sharp spines do pose a severe issue if ingested. If you’ve ever touched a cactus and gotten spines stuck in your fingers, you understand the pain they can cause. Now, imagine that pain in your esophagus. That’s what your cat will experience if they eat a cactus.
Most cats will be warned off eating a cactus when the first spine pokes them in the mouth. But if you have a particularly determined pet, and we’ve all been there, they may actually swallow. If you notice a cactus with a bite taken out of it and your cat vomiting or uncomfortable, contact your vet right away.
What To Do if Succulents Poisonous to Cats, Dogs, or Kids is Eaten
Keep your pet as comfortable as possible. Make sure they have plenty of access to water and a litter box, since most of the succulents poisonous to cats causes GI issues. And contact your vet right away.
For those times that your vet is not available, there is a national pet poison hotline available that you can call to get advice. You’ll need to have some idea of what your cat ingested so they can advise you but they’ll be able to get you through the roughest part of it.
Make sure you know if you have succulents poisonous to cats, dogs, or kids in your home so that you can handle the situation correctly if any of these plants is ingested. Knowing which plants you have and what the symptoms may be can help you ease your pet or child’s pain if something does arise. And knowing which plants are poisonous will help you know which ones to keep out of reach.