In Types

A Beginners Guide to Growing Graptoveria Debbie

Graptoveria Debbie is a hybrid of the Echeveria and the Graptopetalum amethystinum. This succulent was named after Debbie Foster and has become an incredibly popular variety of succulent. It is characterized by beautiful and fleshy rosette leaves.

Depending on how the plant is grown, it may produce purple, blue, pink, or orange leaves. To get as many colors as possible, grow your plant in full sun. Graptoveria Debbie is easy to grow and care for with ample sun, just a little water, and well-drained soil. But this beginners guide will help you learn how to take care of it like a pro.

Basic Information on Graptoveria Debbie

Graptoveria Debbie
Sun ExposureFull Sun
Water NeedsMinimal
Mature Size8″ x 8″
Temperature Tolerance20°F
Propagation StyleLeaves, cuttings, offsets
Dormant PeriodSummer

Where is the Graptoveria Debbie From?

The Graptoveria and Echeveria varieties from which the Graptoveria Debbie is descended originate from Central and South America. This means that this succulent is really more of a jungle succulent than a desert succulent. It will tolerate overwatering slightly better than a desert succulent but you should still water it only when its soil is dry.

Are There other Succulents Similar to the Graptoveria Debbie?

As a crossing of two other varieties of succulent, Graptoveria Debbie does look similar to Echeveria. The main difference is the thickness of their leaves. Graptoveria has thicker leaves that look almost like cut gems whereas Echeveria has flatter, spoon-shaped leaves.

Look for thicker leaves with deeper color

Most Graptopetalum succulents are also similar to Graptoveria Debbie, both genetically and in appearance. It is harder to tell the difference between Graptoveria and Graptopetalum. Graptoveria Debbie tends to have deeper color as well as thicker leaves compared to Graptopetalum.

How do You Care for a Graptoveria Debbie?

care of succulents

Like most succulents, this is an easy-to-care-for plant. You’re more likely to damage your plant by caring too much for it rather than too little. Give the Graptoveria Debbie plenty of sun, a bit of water, well-drained soil, and temperate weather for best results.

How Much Sun does the Graptoveria Debbie Need?

Graptoveria Debbie needs full sun to grow well. It also requires full sun if it is going to produce the beautiful colors of purple and green that it is known for. If the sun gets too hot or too direct, you can move it to a shade to prevent the leaves from getting sunburned

What is the Temperature and Humidity Tolerance of a Graptoveria Debbie?

The plant also does not do well in extremely cold temperatures. If your area experiences cold weather, consider moving your succulent indoors and providing light systems. The plant tolerates temperatures at a minimum of about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. 

This plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. If you do have to move it inside or outside, do it slowly to prevent shocking it. Start by changing its temperature an hour or two at a time and slowly increase it.

What are the Soil Requirements for Graptoveria Debbie?

well-drained soil

This succulent grows best in well-draining soil specifically for succulents or cacti. You can find a succulent mix at your local hardware store usually or you can create your own succulent potting mix.

You can repot your plant every 2 years, so the roots don’t suffocate and strangle the plant’s growth. When repotting, change the potting mix and ensure that the container you transfer your plant is large enough to allow proper root growth. Generally, you’ll want to size the pot up one size each time you repot your plant.

How do you Water a Graptoveria Debbie?

Dry periods help Graptoveria Debbie to grow quickly and also utilize oxygen efficiently. You should completely soak the soil with water until the excess flows out of the drainage holes. After that, wait until the soil is completely dry before you water it again. Typically, watering should be done every couple of weeks. But if you aren’t sure, poke your finger in and make sure it’s dry up to the first knuckle.

Choosing a Pot for Graptoveria Debbie

best pot for succulents

You absolutely need to have good drainage in your pot to prevent root rot. Look for a ceramic or terracotta pot because these materials allow moisture to escape from the sides, thus enabling the soil to dry out more effectively. 

The pot should also have a mesh net at the bottom to facilitate proper drainage without allowing the potting mix to get drained away. Many pots don’t come with this. If you need to add one, tape a small piece of window screening over the hole on the inside of the pot.

How do You Propagate a Graptoveria Debbie?

Graptoveria Debbie can be propagated from cuttings, offsets, seeds, and leaves. Like most propagations, it always easy or fast so you need to be patient with your baby plants. The simplest method of propagation for this type of succulent is from offsets.

Propagating your Graptoveria Debbie from Cuttings

  1. Use a sharp knife or pair of scissors to cut the top of the succulent off at the main stem
  2. Place cutting on paper towel to dry for 2-3 days until a callous forms on the bottom of the stem
  3. Gently place cutting in well-drained soil and press gently to set in
  4. Cutting will start to produce roots in about 3 weeks

Propagating our Graptoveria Debbie from Leaves

  1. Gently pull a leaf from the stem, make sure no part of the leaf is left behind
  2. Set leaf on paper towel and allow it to dry and callous over for 2-3 days
  3. Set leaf on top of well-drained soil
  4. Wait until leaf starts to sprout roots
  5. Once leaf sprouts roots, gently mound the soil so the roots are underneath

Propagating Graptoveria Debbie from Seeds

  1. From the bloom of a Graptoveria Debbie, collect the seeds and dry on a paper towel for 2-3 days
  2. Put well-drained soil in a pot and poke a hole into the soil until the finger is one knuckle deep
  3. Place 10-20 seeds into the hole and cover with soil, DO NOT press down
  4. Water the soil every 2-3 days until you see a sprout
  5. If you have multiple sprouts, you can separate each into its own pot

Propagating Graptoveria Debbie from Offsets

  1. From underneath the main plant, look for small plants growing out of the main stem
  2. Gently unpot the entire plant and tease apart the small plant, make sure not to damage the roots
  3. Plant the offset directly into well-drained soil
  4. Press gently to ensure the offset is secure in its new soil
Succulent propagation

Pests, Diseases, Problems of the Graptoveria Debbie

Graptoveria is a hardy plant that, when health, rarely gets attacked by pests and diseases. However, that isn’t to say that you shouldn’t keep an eye out for issues. Like most succulents, when this plant does have a problem, it can quickly die.

Leaf Problems in Graptoveria Debbie

The leaves of the Debbie plant should look glossy and fleshy. If underwatered too much, the leaves will appear shriveled, dry, and flaky. The simplest way to fix this is to give the plant some water.

Water by soaking the soil completely. Especially if your plant already has shriveled leaves, set the plant in water and allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes before draining. Wait until the soil is dry before the next watering. Make sure all the excess water drains off and take care not to overwater because it could lead to root rot or attract mold and mildew, which are quickly fatal to succulents. 

Water deeply and infrequently for best results

Yellow and withered leaves could be due to a lack of minerals in the soil, though this is uncommon. If you’ve tried everything else, such as changing the watering schedule, consider adding some fertilizer. Just make sure it isn’t too strong or you will burn your plant.

If you notice dark yellow or brown spots on your plant’s leaves, it could be sunburn. Especially if the plant is in a window. Ensure that the plant has a filter on the sun to prevent scorching. If indoors, a sheer curtain could serve the purpose. Outdoors, you may consider planting a taller plant nearby.

What Insects Infest Graptoveria Debbie?

Aphids, thrips, and mealybugs are all pests that will happily infect a Graptoveria Debbie. Aphids are small bugs that puncture the fleshy leaves and eat the pulp. They are mainly active in summer and they leave green droplets on the leaf surface while feeding.


Thrips are small insects that damage succulent leaves similarly to aphids. Keep an eye out for small, tan flecks on your succulent leaves and watch for any shriveled or yellowing leaves.

Mealybugs are mainly active in the winter months. You can typically find them in the crevices where the leaves meet the stem and they look like dusty, white flecks.

Graptoveria Debbie FAQs

Does a Graptoveria Debbie Bloom?

Yes, Graptoveria Debbie blooms in the spring as long as it has had time in a cooler, dark environment to properly go through dormancy. If it does bloom, the plant will produce clusters of small, apricot colored flowers that often attract hummingbirds.

Is a Graptoveria Debbie Toxic to my Family or Pets?

Graptoveria Debbie is generally not toxic to humans or pets if ingested. This makes it an excellent plant if you want to place it indoors or outdoors where kids and pets play. 

Are there Variegated Graptoveria Debbie Succulents?

Yes, there are some variegated Graptoveria Debbie succulents. Depending on where the Graptoveria Debbie is grown and the conditions it is subjected to, it may attain some variegations. You may start to notice small spots, stripes, or patterns on the leaves if your plant is grown in optimal conditions.

What’s the Difference Between Echeveria and Graptoveria?

It is easy to confuse Echeveria and Graptoveria plants because they look similar. There are notable differences with a closer look at the two succulents.

The main difference is the leaves of Echeveria are smooth and sharp toward the tips. Those of Graptoveria are rounder and bulbous. 


Graptoveria Debbie is a beautiful succulent that produces colorful leaves that form rosettes. These succulents are easy to look after but can die if completely neglected. It is a perfect addition to your indoor or outdoor garden if you have kids or pets because it is non-toxic. If you’re looking to buy one of these plants, Mountain Crest Gardens is a great source.

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